In The Dark Knight in 2008, Heath Ledger performed as anuntraceable, unpredictable but charming Joker with hisextraordinary acting, and this Joker is beloved by countlessaudience. The legends will never fade and now Infinity Studio ishonored to bring this super villain to real life with our Siliconebust series! By using the latest official data, we achieved highestlevel of accuracy that has never been, even the material of Joker’soutfit is same to original movie. LED unit is planted in the base,and make the hole looks like a Batman’s signal or a bloody Jokersmile. The accessories including his knife and “Joker mask” are allcome with the bust, both could be set in his left hand. Everyelement of this bust is haunted by uncertainties and chaos, but-“Why so serious?”
- Estimated Size: Approx H82cm*W72cm*L72cm- Edition Size : 399pieces- Materials: Medical Platinum Silicone, Polystone, Fiber, Fabric- Estimated Release Date : Q3 2022